How To Get A Bigger Butt In Your 40s

Having a toned, firm, and shapely butt is a common goal for many women, regardless of age. However, as we age and our hormone levels change, it can be challenging to maintain or build muscle mass, especially in the glutes.

It’s possible after 40

There is a common misconception that building a bigger butt is only possible for younger women. However, this is not true. While it may be more challenging for women in their 40s to build glute muscle mass, it is definitely achievable with the right diet, exercise routine, and dedication.

In this article, we will explore the facts behind building a bigger butt in your 40s, the best exercises to achieve your goals, and the importance of nutrition and recovery. We will also discuss common mistakes to avoid and provide tips for incorporating cardio into your routine.

How to build a bigger butt in your 40s

Consistency and dedication

Building a bigger butt in your 40s is absolutely possible with the right approach. However, it requires consistent effort, dedication, and a willingness to adjust your lifestyle and habits to support your goals.

How glute muscles change with age

As women age, their hormone levels change, which can lead to a decline in muscle mass, including in the glutes. This muscle loss can be exacerbated by a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, and other lifestyle factors. However, research suggests that regular exercise and proper nutrition can help combat age-related muscle loss and promote muscle growth in the glutes.

How building the glutes is different in your 40s than in younger age

Building glute muscle mass in your 40s requires a slightly different approach than in younger years. Women in their 40s may need to focus more on recovery and injury prevention and adjust their exercise routine to accommodate any preexisting conditions or injuries. Additionally, proper nutrition is essential for building muscle mass and supporting recovery in your 40s.

Diet for Building Glute Muscles

Determine Your Goals and Caloric Intake Goal

Before embarking on a nutrition plan to build glute muscles, it is important to consider your goals and current weight status. Are you trying to burn off fat and grow your glutes at the same time or just make your bum bigger?

If you have a lot of excess weight, you need to burn off the fat and build your glutes for a toned and defined butt. The nutrition plan should be different if you are overweight and want a defined and toned bum. You should aim for a calorie deficit if you are trying to lose weight and tone your butt. You should aim for a calorie surplus if you are skinny and want to make your bum bigger.

Importance of Proper Nutrition

In addition to caloric intake, proper nutrition is essential for building glute muscles. Eating a balanced diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates can help fuel your muscles and provide the necessary nutrients for growth.

Foods That Promote Muscle Growth

There are certain foods that are particularly beneficial for muscle growth, such as:

  • Lean protein sources like chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, and legumes
  • Healthy fats like avocado, nuts, seeds, and olive oil
  • Complex carbohydrates like brown rice, quinoa, and sweet potatoes
  • Vegetables and fruits for vitamins, minerals, and fiber

Supplements Supporting Muscle Growth

While supplements are not necessary for building glute muscles, they can provide additional support for muscle growth. Some supplements that may be helpful include:

  • Protein powder to help meet your daily protein needs
  • Creatine to improve muscle strength and size
  • Beta-alanine to enhance muscle endurance
  • BCAAs (branch chain amino acids) to support muscle recovery

Exercise for Building Glute Muscles

While proper nutrition is important for building glute muscles, exercise is essential. In order to build muscle, you need to challenge your body with resistance training, which can include lifting weights or using resistance bands. Some benefits of exercise for building glute muscles include:

  • Increased muscle mass and strength in the glute muscles.
  • Improved muscle tone and definition in the glutes.
  • Improved overall fitness and health.

Best Exercises to Grow Your Glutes in Your 40s

There are many exercises that can be effective for building glute muscles. If you are in a good shape and free of recurring injuries then the best options include:

  • Squats: Squats are a compound exercise that work the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. They can be performed with a barbell, dumbbells, or just bodyweight.
  • Deadlifts: Deadlifts are another compound exercise that work the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. They can be performed with a barbell, dumbbells, or kettlebells.
  • Hip thrusts: Hip thrusts specifically target the glutes and can be performed with a barbell, dumbbells, or just bodyweight.
  • Lunges: Lunges work the glutes, quads, and hamstrings and can be performed with bodyweight or dumbbells.

To start choose 3 exercises and perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions 3-4 times a week. Gradually increase the number of repetitions in a set over the next few weeks, next increase the number of sets and add resistance. It’s important to find glute-building exercises that work for you and your body, so if these are not right for you here are more ideas on how to build a fabulous bum in your 40s.

Modifications that are right for your body in your 40s

If you have an existing condition, it’s important to consult your doctor before starting any exercise plan. However, there are still safe exercises you can perform to build your glutes even if you have certain conditions. The most common conditions that may hinder glute-building efforts are:

  1. Weak knees or a previous knee injury
  • Three best glute exercises for bad knees:
    • Glute bridge
    • Clamshell
    • Seated leg curl
  • Three glute-building exercises to avoid if you have a bad knee
    • Deep lunges
    • Deep squats and squats with weights
    • Box jumps
  1. Lumbar back pain or recurring lumbar back injury
  • Three safe glute exercises if you have a lumbar spine issue
    • Bird dog
    • Glute bridge
    • Quadruped hip extension
  • Three glute-building exercises to avoid if you have lumbar back issues
    • Deadlifts with heavy weights
    • Bent-over rows with heavy weights
    • Good mornings with weights
  1. Shoulder or arm pain
  • Three safe glute exercises if you have shoulder or arm issues
    • Glute bridge
    • Single-leg deadlift
    • Bulgarian split squat
  • Three glute-building exercises to avoid if you have shoulder or arm issues
    • Kettlebell swings
    • Donkey kicks
  1. General poor fitness level due to a sedentary lifestyle
  • Start with bodyweight exercises if you are starting from zero
    • Bodyweight glute bridge
    • Bodyweight squat
    • Walking lunges
  • Avoid exercises with added resistance such as weights or bands until you have built up some strength
    • Deep squats with weights
    • Deadlifts with weights
    • Box jumps

Overtraining and Not Respecting Recovery Tactics and Rest Days

Overtraining can lead to injuries, fatigue, and a lack of progress. It is essential to respect your body’s limits and incorporate recovery tactics such as rest days, stretching, and foam rolling.

Importance of Proper Form and Technique

Proper form and technique are crucial to ensure that you are targeting the right muscle groups and reducing the risk of injury. Always perform exercises with proper form, and if you are unsure, seek advice from a certified personal trainer.

Importance of Starting Easy and Progressive Overload

Starting with easy exercises and gradually increasing intensity, frequency, and volume over time is essential for building muscle and avoiding injury. Incorporate progressive overload principles such as increasing weight, reps, or sets to challenge your body and continue making progress.

Incorporating cardio into your routine

Cardiovascular exercise is important for overall health and fitness, and it can also complement your glute-building efforts. Here are some key points to consider when incorporating cardio into your routine:

  • Cardio can help to burn fat, which can make your glutes appear more defined.
  • Cardio can also strengthen and tone your glutes by engaging the muscles during exercises like running, cycling, or stair climbing.

Types of cardio exercises that can complement glute training

  • Low-impact exercises like walking, cycling, and swimming can be a great way to get your heart rate up without putting too much stress on your joints.
  • High-impact exercises like running, jumping, or stair climbing can also be effective for building cardiovascular fitness and toning your glutes.

How much cardio to do

  • If you are overweight and looking to burn off fat, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio 4-5 days a week and 2-3 sessions of glute-building exercises.
  • If you are just focused on building muscle mass and definition, limit your cardio to 1-2 sessions per week, and focus primarily on glute-building exercises.

Rest and recovery

Rest and recovery are just as important as exercise when it comes to building stronger glutes. Here are some strategies to help you recover effectively:

Importance of rest for muscle growth

  • Rest is essential for muscle growth, as it allows your muscles to recover and repair after exercise.
  • Overtraining can actually slow down your progress, as your muscles need time to recover in order to grow stronger.

Strategies for recovery

  1. Rest Days
  • Make sure to schedule rest days into your workout routine, and avoid working the same muscle groups on consecutive days.
  • On rest days, focus on gentle stretching or other low-impact activities that promote recovery such as light yoga.
  1. Foam rolling
  • Foam rolling can help to alleviate soreness and stiffness in your muscles, promoting recovery and flexibility.
  • Focus on rolling out your glutes, hamstrings, and other leg muscles after your workout or during the rest days.
  1. Massage
  • Use a massage ball at home to target sore muscles.
  • A professional massage can be a great way to promote recovery and relieve muscle tension.

Common mistakes to avoid in your 40s

Starting too strong

Starting a new workout routine can be exciting, but it’s important not to overdo it, especially if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. Starting too strong may lead to an injury or inadequate experience, which can be demotivating. It’s essential to start small and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts to see progress and avoid setbacks.

Starting a plan without consideration for the existing injuries and conditions

Before starting any workout routine, it’s crucial to consider existing injuries and conditions. Working out without proper consideration can lead to further injuries or exacerbate existing conditions. Consulting with a healthcare professional or a certified trainer can help you develop a workout plan that takes into account your unique situation.

Not using progressive overload

Progressive overload is a training principle that involves gradually increasing the stress placed on your muscles over time. Failing to incorporate progressive overload into your routine can result in a plateau in muscle growth and development. Incorporating new exercises, increasing weight or reps, and adjusting rest periods are all examples of how you can incorporate progressive overload into your routine.

Not following a proper nutrition plan

Nutrition is a crucial component of any fitness program, and neglecting to follow a proper nutrition plan will hinder your progress. Consuming enough protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, and staying hydrated can help fuel your workouts and promote muscle growth.


It’s never too late to start your journey towards a bigger, toned, and defined booty. With the right combination of strength training, cardio, and recovery strategies, you can achieve your desired results. Building a fabulous bum is not just about improving your physical appearance, but also about boosting your confidence, improving your posture, and enhancing your overall health and well-being.

Start by incorporating the tips and strategies mentioned in this article into your fitness routine, and remember to stay consistent, patient, and committed to your journey. With time and effort, you can achieve the booty you desire and feel confident and empowered in your body.



